Saturday, January 31, 2009

News Roundup - January 2009

1. "Live Coverage of Presidential Inauguration Drives Significant Incremental Viewership at MSNBC, CNN and FoxNews Web Sites"
comScore Press Release, 27/01/2009
2. "Hosts can process user-submitted videos within 'safe harbor'"
The Register, 09/01/2009
3. "Ofcom reports big changes in media consumption"
OUT-LAW News, 19/08/2008
4. "Film industry takes action on film link sites"
OUT-LAW News, 30/07/2008
5. "Government consults on web video regulation"
OUT-LAW News, 30/07/2008

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Internet Television: A Copyright Analysis of Online Streaming Media"

As part of my L.L.M. (e-Law) degree from University College Cork, Ireland I wrote a thesis entitled, "Internet Television: A Copyright Analysis of Online Streaming Media". The thesis asked the question, what are the copyright implications of watching television online?

For more information about this thesis, including a copy of the final draft, please visit HERE.

Below you will find a presentation with a summary of this thesis.


This blog is intended to be a resource for those interested in the interaction between the law and the rise of internet television.

Here you will find links to relevant cases, journals and other websites where more information can be found, along with some of my own analysis.